At Dark Water Dawn
The Real loathes golden creed
logic of a roaring lion;
laborers never hold a candle
other than Diligence,
which orbits danger’s past
as though Choice
wasn’t just a name, called Fate,
but littered litanies of splatter paint;
sincere storms with divine derision,
seldom shot a lucky arrow
with absurd brilliance
quivering into the stratosphere!
O how you drown when
day devours freedom—
deranged, unaware
that loving you close
isn’t nefarious air to flocks of fettered geese
or sea to school of piranha.
O, how the harbor shines
down the page of Isa deluded.
I ask my lawyer why
these questions denuded clothed stars,
caked by a thousand ills,
with shepherd naysayer soothing
contemptuous man
wither recollection we row pollution.
I am closer to you than you could ever be.
Although inside the sea,
you don’t need imagination
to leap from your honored cliffs of contentment
callous countries and continents of hope-
conjured growth past the precipice of change you farm
down the slaveway.
I am peace,
picturesque asylum deep in atomic melancholy Fade.
Fade grassy-white plane of existence.
Fade Kierkegaard goldsmiths,
handsome familiar soldiers
who kill their injury with proverbs.
Fade with the fairest flower whose melody is monster,
bleeding eternity unscathed with viceroy visage.
Fade as you mirror Solar Sinai.
Gems stir homeliness with loneliness,
pure alcohol, alchemy.
I hunger for silence and war in the air.
My heart’s contentment is Earth,
a blind jewel misfortune,
summer spirit songs of grief.
Grieving far beyond nebulas most common
with all the citric-acid nimbus clouds.
Grieving tera-birth glow over rich, bankrupt dreams
without question.
Solemn, I return to solstice solipsism.
But I can neither sweep nor shrug under the rug
wildfire pain looming luminous dust piles distant.
I peer through my own windowpane and witness
a sandstorm of vultures, consumers, self-proclaimed gods,
who count shadows with gangrene ideas
and soldier your throat of beautiful devas,
primordial heavengravel, unheroic servitude.
I can neither stray nor stay inside leprous reason,
and let million-fueled minds of grey-chimneyed
churlsgrace charge
on tilled soil fresh
until each soul remains forever indoors.
After the fall,
I lay naked
in cosmic quicksand ocean of star—
after star after star-
light precludes light.
Darkness forever eludes me.
Heaven’s most desired cloud
is an evergreen innocent bliss,
an entire universe of
greedy coma-seekers,
moist, beloved without question.
Your sigh is my long psalm
call Aum, emit ray of light –
fall o low I buy me away Waive rights
Wipe sweet sweat from brow, I bow my body home
to sticky chains, rusty memory
Commit lightning grief, strike match against gravity
saintly grime, stone vultures again and
gain freedom as you leap
from precipice
into heavy sepulcher
I sacrifice my silence.
Nervous penicillin breeze
leaves me restless, paralyzed
by counterfeit ambrosial alacrity.
O Poverty! skip outlandish pebbles
across jacaranda sky of your pernicious
O Poverty! return warmth to earthworms embered asleep
in cozy cottage, seek rosy dreamland noise
gasping for your name—
O Poverty! grasp God-gilded driftwood
at the apex of compassion
O Poverty! God mourns the echoes of ethereal angels
avalanched across delirious sky wailing
your name.
Naïveté, a beatific smile, calcium caelum mortis engrave
image grace, synchronicity fatwa, the paradisiacal isle
of pearly people’s Jannah, will-o’-wisp hosannavino!
O Poverty! how your celestial oak saps tomorrow
with your chalice malice
brimming over with your disheveled strands
carpeting the Earth,
the people most contemptible and contented
the ones I love, the ones I hate,
the souls I must make equal
as the Great Equalizer lets go
of the cryptic crown,
this refuse and rabble,
moonlight fastened to my chest,
the saddest street
rumbles deep within
my own windowpane of existence.
O celestial oak, how exhausted
this wandering wave
up the turn pike moans with crash and thrash,
descent after descent,
tirelessly trying to save the sea
in a chalice made of hands,
trying not to lose sleep
over seeds growing in this prairie swamp
at dark-water dawn.