Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Mira Mataric

Poems Fall



like rose petals, and the leaves of autumn,

fall off me whenever there is an internal fluttering,

some trembling, shaking or an external wind or storm.


It is a natural growth,

like a snake who sheds the outgrown skin for a new one.

Any emotion, any thought, or wonder of nature

and beauty, can inspire it.


I remember writing that first poem,

upon seeing the Adriatic Sea, the first time,

while on a school field trip, at age thirteen.

I published it and dared to write more

and shared them widely at age eighteen.

In both cases, my parents, and teachers gave

strong loving strong support and encouragement.


I have always enjoyed nature and have sung

from the beginning of life in many different forms,

before it steadily poured out in the form of poetry.


I was exposed to the beauty and wisdom of good poetry

early in life by my father who wandered through our home

reciting poetry and sayings of wisdom his whole life.


My mother did the same.

Both loved to read and encouraged us to do the same

Father always said A man, a valuable person

is he or she who has a son or writes a book. 

I must have made my father very happy

for I have a daughter and three grandchildren.

And I, have written many books.

Life is a celebration!



The Fall


Under my own weight


into the dark abyss

of the autumn dream




into oblivion

falling into

a milky mist

of awakening

on yellow leaves.



I am falling in love with you


Your eyes envelop me in shiny gossamers

your smile embraces gently like with mother’s hands

I feel like running barefoot with you

on the golden sand along the sunny beach

giggling like a child.

I want to touch your hand

and you respond with a look at me

with a kiss in each eye

I want all that you want and more

and want it to eternity

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